

Monday, 04/12/2023, 16:59 GMT+7

Over its 26 years of establishment and development, Sao Mai Group has weathered three financial crises and economic downturns. Despite these challenges, Sao Mai has miraculously overcome them and emerged as a powerful economic group, ranking among the Top 50 Fastest Growing Enterprises in Vietnam and the Top 100 Most Profitable Enterprises in Vietnam.

Besides certain advantages, Sao Mai's agility in business strategy, market capture, and strong growth stem from the solid foundation of its party organization and political ideology.



Mr. Le Thanh Thuan - Party Secretary, Chairman of the Founding & Development Council of Sao Mai Group with many solutions to build a strong and clean Party organization

The Source of Sao Mai's Strength

For many years, the Party Committee of Sao Mai has been a steadfast support for the company's operations, even during the most challenging times. Party members have always been pioneers, sharing hardships, and contributing ideas to help the Group navigate through storms and turn risks into opportunities.

During the period from 2020 to 2023, in the face of global upheavals—most notably the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which triggered a global economic downturn, negatively impacting energy security, food security, and causing soaring inflation—exports and imports were severely disrupted, significantly affecting domestic enterprises.


Outstanding Party members attend the mid-term Party Seminar 2020-2025

By flexibly implementing management solutions and strengthening the system's internal capacity, Sao Mai has been able to accurately forecast, respond promptly, seize market opportunities, maintain production and business operations, and ensure the stability of its employees' lives.

As of December 31, 2022, Sao Mai has 16 member companies, over 12,000 employees, and achieved a total revenue of over 37,914 billion VND, paid 230.87 billion VND in taxes, earned an after-tax profit of 2,239 billion VND, and contributed 55.24 billion VND to social welfare.

These achievements reflect the relentless efforts and dedication of the Group's Party Committee and employees. They provide the impetus for growth, valuable lessons learned, and a shared belief that fuels Sao Mai's sustainable development.

Strengthening Party building

At Sao Mai, Party building work is always a top priority. The Board of Directors of Sao Mai Group remains steadfast in their philosophy: "Wherever production and business activities take place, there is a party organization."


Souvenir photo between the leaders of Sao Mai Group Party Committee and the leaders of the Party Committee of Agencies and Enterprises of An Giang province.


Currently, all of Sao Mai's member companies have established party organizations. Party work and political activities, including various emulation initiatives, are conducted seriously and meaningfully, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the effectiveness of production and business operations.

The Party Committee pays close attention to the education and training of party members, organizing thorough study sessions. The processes of inspection, supervision, and disciplinary enforcement within the Party, particularly within the grassroots and branch-level Party Committees, are carried out in full compliance with regulations.

Annually, 95% of party organizations are rated as clean and strong, with all branches successfully completing their assigned tasks. The management, education, training, and admission of new party members are well-executed, with 90% of party members striving for excellence and an increasing number of new members being admitted each year.


The high consensus and unanimity of the Party members of Sao Mai Group Party Committee will be the driving force for Sao Mai's impressive growth.


Nearly three decades of parallel development alongside the business, the Party Committee of Sao Mai Group has demonstrated its leadership role across units within the system, fulfilling its assigned tasks with excellence and making a positive contribution to the Group's production and business activities.

These proud achievements are the culmination of the solidarity, efforts, and unity of the Party members and the leadership of Sao Mai Group, along with the trust and support of various levels, sectors, the public, businesses, and the wider community.
